Android Nougat – What’s New In The Newest Member Of Google’s Android Family

Written by Hemendra Singh on August 23, 2016 | Updated on: August 23, 2016

Android Nougat – What’s New In The Newest Member Of Google’s Android Family

There is a good news for every Android lover that Google has released the Android N Developer preview earlier than the expected date. The Android N Developer preview has new rich in features including multi-window support, brand new notification shade, and others. Recently, Android N Developer Preview 4 was launched which finalized the APIs and the final SDK (Software Development Kit) for Android app developers.

Android Nougat

VP of engineering Android “Dave Burke” declared the availability of developer preview & Google released its beta version to “incorporate developer feedback.”

SVP of Android, “Hiroshi Lockheimer”, Chrome OS at Google, confirmed that Google plans the final Android N release to mobile device makers later this Summer. Google want this Android N up to date with the new Android Beta program.

Here is the timeline that will explain when Android N will be released officially.

Android Version

What you will get in Android N Developer Preview

Listed below are the features that you can expect with the Android N Developer:

Multi-window mode

The main Android N feature, you will see is a Multi-window mode, Via. Reddit AMA with pixel C team . Andrew Bowers confirmed that “Split screen” is in the progress” & with the release of Android N beta version, you can see how Android 7.0 split screen mode will look.

Compatible apps can be open up side-by-side in Android N & resized with the help of the movable slider. This feature will give you easy drag and drop text between split screen windows & you can directly go to the main screen with the help of the slider.

Mobile app developers will be able to choose the minimum possible size for their app window and multitasking experience will be similar to OEM devices.

Notification Enhancements

Now there is no need to leave your present window to reply your incoming messages. You can just answer within the notification that appears at the top of the screen. Google is opening up notification enhancements beyond hangouts & most popular smartphone applications like Whatsapp could take benefit of this inline messaging feature provided by Android N.

Grouped Notification

You will see bundled notifications in Android N if they are coming from the same smartphone app. For Example: If all notifications are coming from the “Whistle Phone Finder” app then, they will hide under one notification shade. You can see these bundled notifications with help of two finger gestures.

Doze Mode

As per the expectations, android lover’s favorite Marshmallow feature, Doze mode will be available in Android N with some improvements. Now Doze-Mode is available in a two-tier system. Android N doze feature, which allows devices to go into low power   GAge modes when your phone is in the stationary position. You will see updated doze mode that makes it better than before.

Android Nougat

System Settings

Android N consists of hamburger menu into the system settings. In which the icon with three lines has set into the system settings. Now users with the help of left side menu can jump into other system options. This menu is already the important option in other Android Apps.

Revamped setting menu will be available in Android N. Upcoming Android version includes drop-down menu section at the top & the individual divider section is removed from it. You will be able to see basic details of the very section in the setting menu.

Redesigned Folders

In Android N, folders have been redesigned to make them look smarter on the home screen. You can manage them easily.

Google Camera Application

This Google camera app is available on Google play store. Google has made some minor changes like visual design to the layout & small changes in buttons and features.

Other features offered by Android N

Google has confirmed the launcher shortcuts feature that will be available in the second beta version for Android N i.e. based on pressure sensitive display technology. Mobile Experts are predicting that Google can delight the user with VR mode in Android phones. The setting menu consists of “VR helper services” section that registered the app as a “VR Helper” & ‘VR Listener”.

Official name of Android N is still a mystery

As you all know that Google is very choosy about Android version names. As per previous Android names Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean and 4.4 KitKat, 5.0 Lollipop & 6.0 Marshmallow. You can predict that Google is going to name Google N after a delicious treat, but Google has not revealed anything about it yet.

Google wants you to name official Android N. Yes, It is true!

This time Google is giving the big opportunity to Android lovers, you can give the name to the new member of Google’s Android family i.e. Android N. They launched a website that allows people to suggest names for Android N. If you really want to suggest the name to Android N, you can visit their website.

Android N will merge it with Chrome OS?

Android with Chrome

It is predicted that Android/chrome OS merger will probably take place with “Android O” in the upcoming year on 29th October 2015, The Wall Street Journal announced that Google is all set to merge the two OS system by 2017. No one can predict, how Android/Chrome OS will look like after getting merged together, but it will enhance the feel & look of the Android device, while it will be able to run on PCs as a full desktop OS. However, this quality is quite difficult in Android N.

Wrapping It Up

I hope this post will help you to understand the basic features of Android N. I am also very excited for the Android N. What new features will see in new Android N? What do you think the Android N name will be? Let me know your expectations to Android N. Feel free to comment below. I would Love to hear from you!!!

Update: Android N name officially released now- “Android Nougat”

After so many rumors & predictions about Android N name, Now Google Android finally released the name of Android’s newest family member “Android Nougat”. Android 7.0 will be highly rich in features and performance. Now I am waiting for Android Nougat to use on my smartphone.

Here is the official tweet of Android that announced the name of Android N:

Android N is Nougat Revealed

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