Angularjs Developers – PuzzleInnovationz: Mobile App Development Company | Web Application Development   GA India Fri, 12 Mar 2021 10:17:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Hire an Ideal AngularJS Developers Team for Your Business? [Benefits & Features of AngularJS] Mon, 01 Mar 2021 11:03:19 +0000 Since 2010 AngularJS has been widely used and its use and popularity continue to grow. Many Fortune 500 companies and startups use AngularJS. The demand for AngularJS is so high that it has become an important skill for developers. It’s clear from the data that AngularJS is a wise selection for companies seeking web and […]

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Since 2010 AngularJS has been widely used and its use and popularity continue to grow. Many Fortune 500 companies and startups use AngularJS. The demand for AngularJS is so high that it has become an important skill for developers. It’s clear from the data that AngularJS is a wise selection for companies seeking web and app developers for their project requirements. To get a clear understanding, let’s dive deep and know AngularJS in detail.

What is an AngularJS?

AngularJS development is an ideal option for the front-end development of mobile apps and websites. AngularJS is a JavaScript MVC customer framework for developing a powerful web application. It extends HTML capability by adding attributes and built-in features and also provides customization capabilities using simple JavaScript.

AngularJS is an open-source Model-View-Controller framework similar to a JavaScript framework. AngularJS development is one of the most used modern web frameworks available. Significantly, the framework helps in improving Single Page programs. AngularJS is the result of Google engineer’s research and development. And thanks to community support from the broader public forum, the framework is up to date. Also, it always incorporates the latest developments in the market.

Features of AngularJS

features of angularjs

Two Way Binding

The AngularJS Framework Part of the Framework deals with data collection that the application works on. Now, this data can be both powerful and powerful. View, on the other hand, works with HTML or part of the application interface that determines how the app will look to the user when it is available through the browser. Now, one method that binds to the structure of the data will allow you to change the amount of data in the model to reflect that change in appearance or vice versa. However, by binding the two-way data to AngularJS, you can change both the model and view by changing the value to any. Angular works with the simple use of two important indicators known as ng-model and ng-bind.

MVC Architecture

The Model-View-Control build is an outstanding feature of AngularJS, which not only increases the value of the client application but also lays the foundation for other important features such as data integration and scope. What sets the MVC structure of the AngularJS apart from that framework is its very powerful form, which we will explain later. Moreover, unlike other MVC-based environments, AngularJS automatically integrates all in-app features. So you don’t have to go through the process of adding extra code to connect these things to make the web app work properly.


In AngularJS, one module defines a single program, and it is within the area of ​​that module that all the different components (including controllers, indicators, and filters) of the application are present. There are various ways to add different elements to a module such as adding a controller (which, by the way, is always defined within the module), you can use the syntax- moduleName = angular. module (“controllerName”,); Similarly, you can add many items to the module, using their specific syntax. What is different about AngularJS modules is that it naturally solves the problem of exploitation of the world by reducing the limit of all jobs in the category, where it is defined and used.


AngularJS extends HTML with its set of built-in icons called indexes. These guidelines can also be customized using AngularJS. The main function of these guides is to optimize HTML performance in the most basic way to make it suitable for powerful client trial programs. All AngularJS-built indexes start with ng so that whenever HTML meets something pre-installed, it knows that the said object is part of the application. Other notable indicators used in AngularJS, apart from the two mentioned above are ng-app, which starts the app, ng-init starts data, ng-repeat repeats HTML objects to name just a few. The functions of the above-mentioned guidelines should specify how to extend the functionality of the program using HTML.


‘Filters’ is a useful AngularJS feature that creates more relevant view data. These filters can be used verbally to convert data into appropriate currency format, date/time, JSON thread, etc. Filters can be used to organize bulk data by inserting them into indexes using a pipe character. There are many filters built into AngularJS that you can use for the purposes listed above and more. Besides, you can also create multiple custom filters in AngularJS modules for specific purposes. These filters will work exactly as filters built within the range of the parent module or application.

Also Read: Reasons Why Angular is Popular in Modern Application Development

Benefits of Choosing AngularJS for Your Business

benefits of angularjs

AngularJS development is one of the leading frameworks of JavaScript to date and has proven to be a huge benefit to business owners. The framework can greatly improve the performance of your website and grow your business. For this reason, it is a highly preferable framework in the development of functional web and mobile applications. Let’s detail the importance of AngularJS development for your business.

Maximum Security

The only concern holding businesses to adopt new technologies is application security. Businesses consider a lot before using new technology because a security hole in the app can put complete business data at risk. This case does not exist with Angular.JS because Angular.JS uses web resources or the RESTful API as an HTTPS indicator to communicate with data delivery servers. Thanks to these standard guidelines and security measures, it became easier to safeguard web systems from any malware or unauthorized access.

Effective Testing

During web development or after web development, it is necessary to test web performance, identify any errors, and similar encounters for business growth. Angular.JS enables developers to test applications for possible errors, bugs, and other mishaps that can severely affect the performance of web and mobile apps. Also, the Angular.JS tutorial is always there to help with testing.

Coherent Access Management

Indeed, all business data is inaccessible to all employees. There is a certain level of restriction on data access. Angular.JS enables limited access and management through single sign-in through additional libraries.

Easy to Maintain

After web development, website maintenance is also difficult which requires a lot of time and effort. Angular.JS uses the MVC method that allows developers to think of an object-oriented architecture that is easy to remember, which makes web storage a breeze.

Speedy Development

Responsive web application development takes time, but with Angular.JS, it is easier to upgrade an app with less time and effort. The reason for the two-way data binding and server storage on the server can be done in a few lines of code. Also, the ng-class and ng-model indicators perform many of the functions that occur in jQuery.

Is AngularJS Better Than Other Front-end Development Tools?


Yes, I can certainly say that AngularJS is the best framework for front-end development. As you should know, AngularJS is an open-source web application based on JavaScript.

Supported by Tech-giants Google and Microsoft and licensed by MIT, the framework enables the creation of dynamic web pages or applications. For the first time, HTML is used to design web pages, advanced pages should be the default. AngularJS allows for the creation of powerful content or web applications as per the proposed requirement.

AngularJS provides the use of HTML syntax and can use HTML as a template language that can transfer parts of the application smoothly. With the use of AngularJS, you can create functional objects. It is fully integrated with JavaScript and that improves simplicity and efficiency.

It is the first framework that supports the design of the MVC (Model-View-Controller) and supports the creation of a single page (SPA) system. AngularJS is an emerging technology that is beneficial to use in this competitive market, owing to its understanding among developers and its rich set of features. due to its understanding and rich set of features.

Also Read: Benefits & Reasons to Hire Angularjs Developers for Customer-Centric Business

How to Hire an Ideal AngularJS Developers Team for Your Business?

hire angular developers

Angular is one of the most advanced frameworks for web application development and thus there is an increase in businesses hiring AngularJS developers and AngularJS app development companies nowadays.

The first version of this web or app development framework was AngularJS. and post several updates, the front-end development tool has reached its advanced Angular 9 and Angular 10 versions. Today, descriptive languages ​​are growing and new languages ​​are making way to the development sector. This creates the need to continue learning and developing a new language for developers.

After learning the value of angular, you would have realized the importance and benefits of using angular js in web and app development. Now, let’s take a look at some of the top skills to consider when choosing an AngularJS developer or AngularJS development Company.

Angular Framework Skills

It is very clear that Angular developers need to be the masters of the Angular framework. The framework is growing continuously and developers need to update their knowledge and skills with the release of new versions of the framework. A fast learner who can easily understand new types is a skill that will be considered while hiring AngularJS developers. An angular framework is large and equally has a high learning curve. However, the good thing about it is that you don’t need to know A to Z, to start building user-friendly apps.

RESTful API Interaction

The RESTful APIs structure requires HTTP requests for POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE data. Sometimes with skills, experience is needed. Therefore, you should consider hiring AngularJS developers with prior experience in REST APIs and who can read API documents and use them effectively.

Knowledge of Webpack, Node, and CLI

Webpack, Node, and CLI are the technologies that support adding different features to the framework in order to simplify the development process more efficiently. Hiring AngularJS Developers who specialize in this technology can be another benefit. The first Angular package that is integrated with npm is the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface). CLI simplifies the app configuration process and ensures that your app adheres to the best practices ever. The benefits of using CLI increase beyond the creation of a new app. Developers use CLI for adding new modules, components, services, and more to an existing application. The use of CLI saves time for developer typing and ensures that different pieces of code are not forgotten.

Experience in Core Javascript HTML and CSS

JavaScript is like the mother of programming languages. Whether you want to React, Vue.js, or Angular Developer – the person should have complete knowledge of JavaScript in its context. When hiring an AngularJS developer, he/she must have basic technical knowledge of web development including hands-on experience coding on HTML and CSS. The candidate should be someone familiar with HTML and CSS. The developer should have a solid understanding of UX concepts, structural elements, and other concepts related to the previous term.

Angular importance lies in building fast, efficient apps. The following is provided in the browser which means building user connections with HTML and CSS. Therefore, angular developers should also be good at HTML and CSS. Angular Material and other style libraries help deliver great apps quickly if you know how to squeeze and where things produce the clear look you expect to deliver. Frames are like flowers that come and go while HTML and CSS are like permanent roots.


JavaScript is the spine of several customer-centric web applications available in the market. Whilst, TypeScript enables the creation of web and mobile applications using the AngularJS framework. It’s a great JavaScript set that comes with solid typing support. Ensures that your team uses flexibility and functions as intended. It is easy to use and produces a few bugs. Another reason to use TypeScript instead of JavaScript is its ability to duplicate your code with confidence. Lowering bedbugs on any large codebase is painful.


Developing simple systems with ease without source control is dangerous. TypeScript allows you to reuse your code with authorization, similarly, Git lets you try out new application features and coding strategies with confidence. Git’s repository gives you the freedom to experiment with crazy ideas and come back to the version you use whenever you want. It also allows you to create useful concept evidence for users. Software emergence is possible and requires the need to modify applications without losing the line of code or violating any existing functionality. Git makes it happen, which is why if a baptismal candidate is right about Git, then hire an AngularJS composer.

hire agularjs developers


AngularJS has great advantages in front-end development. While the framework creation took place keeping vital aspects in mind like speed and flexibility in development. AngularJS applications come with two-way data binding modes to allow automatic data synchronization between models and viewing objects. The excellent Angular JS development team makes good use of Directives to develop a new HTML syntax and to create recyclable DOM architecture, CSS and behavior. Therefore, if you get an opportunity to work with AngularJS for your ongoing or upcoming projects. AngularJS is a wise selection rather than an option.

The post How to Hire an Ideal AngularJS Developers Team for Your Business? [Benefits & Features of AngularJS] appeared first on PuzzleInnovationz:.

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Benefits & Reasons to Hire Angularjs Developers for Customer-Centric Business Fri, 21 Aug 2020 14:25:39 +0000 Those were gone years when businesses used to focus on selling products and services as much as possible to many customers. But in the 21st century, the scenario has completely changed as a product-centric marketing strategy is not working out anymore. And the companies are opting for a customer-centric business approach to overcome losses and […]

The post Benefits & Reasons to Hire Angularjs Developers for Customer-Centric Business appeared first on PuzzleInnovationz:.

Those were gone years when businesses used to focus on selling products and services as much as possible to many customers. But in the 21st century, the scenario has completely changed as a product-centric marketing strategy is not working out anymore. And the companies are opting for a customer-centric business approach to overcome losses and increasing sales in this digital era. The customer-centric businesses focus on customers’ needs, uses of products and services, and less time, money, and effort cost for them.

AngularJS, which is a JavaScript framework is a dedicated tool for the front end development of web app and mobile app projects. In the race of businesses looking for a customer-centric business approach, AngularJS wins over other platforms for the web app and mobile app development. In case, you are willing to develop a web app or mobile app for your business. You can choose an ideal partner considering your project requirement whether hiring an AngularJS developer or outsource project from the top AngularJS development Company. The choice is all yours.

Before describing the top reasons to hire AngularJS developers for your customer-centric business. It would be better to have a brief knowledge of AngularJS.

A Brief Introduction About AngularJS Development

angularjs development

Rolled out in the year 2010, AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that is used to simplify the development process. Since its launch, this platform has become popular among front-end developers for creating interactive web apps. Thanks to an easy integration of different HTML codes which simplifies the web and app development tasks and allows the creation of dynamic web applications.

AngularJS is an open-source development framework which allows web developers to tackle a wide range of challenges that occur during web app development. Such quality of the platform makes it practically unavoidable for front end development.

Primarily, this JavaScript framework is responsible for developing CRUD applications for the client-side.

In addition to this, this framework can be utilized by top AngularJS development companies for the development of feature-rich, robust web apps that can easily fulfil the unique requirements of the client. As mentioned above, if you compare this platform with others in regards with front end development, it will win as it offers outstanding features and functionalities which makes it app developers’ first choice over others.

If you have never given it a chance for any web or app project, it’s worth having a closer look at the benefits (reasons) for considering it for your next project.

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Reasons to Hire AngularJS Developers for Web App Development

angularjs developer

These are the following reasons which advocate choosing AngularJS or hiring AngularJS developers for web app development. Have a look.

1. Interactive User Interface in AngularJS Development

With AngularJS, it became easier to develop a highly interactive user interface since it comes featured with several customizable components. Also, the framework supports developers in building lightweight and user-friendly web apps.

AngularJS relies on HTML to define codes required for creating appealing users’ interfaces. Due to which developers do not need to make extra efforts in writing codes. Also, writing code in HTML is quite easier as compared to coding in JS that neglects complexity issues between codes to a greater extent. You can check here how to hire UI/UX designer.

These are the qualities of AngularJS which makes it a capable contestant for creating interactive, lightweight, fully-functional, and user-friendly web apps. If you are looking to develop web apps with highly interactive UI design, you may consider hiring AngularJS developers or top AngularJS development Company for your customer-centric business project.

2. Two-way Data Binding in AngularJS Development

Two-way data binding is one of the most popular features of AngularJS. Due to this feature, it became easier for developers to make into the app interface. Since if they would make any changes to the user interface it will automatically reflect in the app interface and vice versa.

In addition to this, the developers get coding leverage with this feature and save a lot of time as the platform’s two-way data binding facility allows rendering of changes made to the user interface directly in the app interface. That is why AngularJS is one of the noted frameworks for web app development in the current technological world.

3. High in Performance

AngularJS is renowned for developing feature-rich, fully-functional web apps. The framework also has a name for its capability of rapid development. Thanks to its some of the most unique and powerful features like filters, directives, data binding, form validation, routing and others which makes it possible to develop robust and scalable web apps within a shorter period.

Other than this, there are other aspects as well which makes it a framework high in performance in terms of development. These are IDEs and Common Line Interface (CLI). The AngularJS IDEs are way better than any other JS framework and it allows expert developers to track down errors immediately. While with the Common Line Interface, it became easier for developers to create web apps and attach components faster, which encourages speedy web app development.

4. Large Community Support

Tech giant, Google offers, AngularJS has a vast developers’ community, who are always ready to help each in case of need. This community is deliberately active resolving issues related to AngularJS web app development as soon as possible. There are experts in the community who have years of experience and have developed the capability to resolve even the most complex problems associated with front-end development. This group of developers remains always ready to help others in finding answers and solutions to their queries.

5. MVC and MVVM Architecture Integration

AngularJS uses MVC architecture, that means web apps can be split in MVC architecture. Such separation of web apps allows developers to save time and meet deadlines faster and project delivery on time.


Other than this, there is an integration ease of MVC (the model-view-controller architecture) and MVVM (model-view-view-model) architecture. As mentioned above, using this framework, it is easier to split apps into three sections. From the three sections, the one part is used for data management, other for data view and the third and last one for forming a bridge between the model and view.

6. AngularJS Development Supports Code Reusability

Code reusability is one of the most amazing features of AngularJS. It allows developers to reuse the code that has already been written without any hassle. Due to which, developers escaped doing extra work and saved a lot of time. Consequently, the web app development project meets deadlines faster and delivered on time.

Not even this, with this code reusability feature, it became easier to customize applications rapidly. Since there is a need for minor changes in the code and the web app updated with new features or functionality. While hiring dedicated AngularJS developers ensures the project delivery in the least possible time.

7. Testing in AngularJS Development

Testing is one of the success defining factors for any software development program. And the web app testing from the dedicated AngularJS developers responsible for development ensures a glitch-free app. Since it became easier for them to find errors and code defects. Consequently, the time to complete the project reduces to a greater extent.

8. Easy to Use

AngularJS is an easy to use framework for web app development. Since it requires less coding as compared to other JS frameworks available. Consequently, the input time and efforts from an expert reduces to a great extent. Besides this, the use of MVC architecture for web app development resists experts to not use getter and setter functions to apply data models.

9. Filters in AngularJS Development

When it comes to organizing stored data, filters play a vital role in any development process. AngularJS also provides different filters including Uppercase, Lowercase, Number, OrderBy and others. Filters come up as a true companion when it comes to showcasing large amounts of data to the user or you need creating database search functionality.

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10. SPA features

AngularJS offers a plethora of SPA (Single Page Application) features. This SPA features help in creating and controlling online forms in a much easier way. Using these features one can complete the workflow of the team and once it is done, it becomes easier to accomplish web app development goals. In addition to this, developers get control over the form of validation abilities.

hire angularjs developer


The demand for front-end development services is quite high in the market and AngularJS is one of the most preferred front-end technologies for the development of interactive, engaging and robust web apps. Besides this, the platform enables any top AngularJS development Company to develop innovative and customer-centric business apps for their clients investing less effort, time and money. Other than this, above mentioned are some of the top reasons which advocate selection of AngularJS and hiring AngularJS developers for developing websites and mobile apps which can attract more and more users and increase user engagement for your products and services.

If you still did not opt AngularJS for any of your web development projects, it is the time as the framework is becoming one of the top choices of established businesses, start-ups and entrepreneurs for developing successful web apps.

The post Benefits & Reasons to Hire Angularjs Developers for Customer-Centric Business appeared first on PuzzleInnovationz:.

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