Business Marketing – Overview

Written by Hemendra Singh on May 13, 2016 | Updated on: December 22, 2020

Business Marketing – Overview

Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation.

You might look at Business Marketing as an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, delivering and communicating value to customers, and customer relationship management that also benefits the organization.

But I believe Marketing is an Art to define who you are, what you did and what you are going to do…!!

Marketing is the Key feature that strengthens your Foundation. It is an essential Tonic to give a Boost to your Operations Process.

To have a glance of how Marketing emerged and become a Key-integral part of our life’s today, have a look at the Evolution trends below:

crm software

My Prime Concern is to highlight the trends and tactics being employed in Today’s era, that is Relationship Marketing & Social/Mobile Marketing….!!

Relationship Marketing is an extension of the Marketing. To be more precise it is a Contemporary Form of marketing highly emphasizing on maintaining the relationship with the Client.

Good Marketing makes the Company look Smart, whereas Great Marketing makes the customer Feels smart

Business App Marketing

It thrives, maintaining healthy Client relationship thus multiplying the Business opportunities, reiterating services and solutions to them time and again.

The Key Logic behind this sort of a Contemporary marketing style is to Build and Invigorate the Client’s Trust into one.

This is clearly being visualized from changing taglines being used by several of the Young organizations coming in the Picture, giving a smell of Amiability and Trust being packaged with dedicated deployments.

To just name a Few:
1. Acer – Empowering people
2. Adidas – Impossible is nothing
3. Chevrolet – Eye it- try it- Buy it…!!

business use overview

Yet another contemporary Approach at the Brim is Business Marketing/Industrial marketing. It aims at building and keeping relationships between the organizations, thus developing Strong alliances benefiting the partners altogether.

Now let us have a thorough go through of the Latest trends and tools, most Organizations are incorporating as an Essential entity of their Business Process…..!!

To Monetize Your Brand, Display It Rather Than Just Say It

Well, it is quite obvious that the basic essence of the Digital Marketing or ONLINE MARKETING (as it is known Commonly), has been seen and sensed by each and every one of YOU…still to give adherence and transparency to the Idea altogether, I would love sharing a Mural of what Exactly ONLINE MARKETING is all about…!!

In very simplistic of my words, I can define Online Marketing as the State-of-Art, to promote the Products or Brands via one or more Digital media platforms.

It differs indeed from the traditional marketing Practices in the manner that it involves the extensive utilization of Channels & Practices that enables the organizations to Analyze Marketing Campaigns well and to perceive what is Trending well and what not in a typical real-time scenario.

brand positioning

Since the internet is most closely associated with digital channels, close enough to be often taken as a syno NYm for the same, it is also called as INTERNET MARKETING.

It requires a thorough monitoring to the aspects like:

1. What people are viewing
2. How often a particular product/Service is searched for
3. And for what good Duration..!!
4. It lays a Serious emphasis on Lead Generations
5. Suitability of the content is a Major concern also.

How Resourceful Online Marketing Really is?

Digital media is pervasive enough to be considered a Rapid fire, spreading Voluminous information every single second.

use of internet marketing

To be Precise:
1. 3 billion Google searches are performed each day
2. 204 million emails are sent per minute.
3. Each day 2.7 billion likes are sent on Facebook and 174 million messages are tweeted.
4. Two new users join LinkedIn every second,
5. 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube, and 700 YouTube videos are shared on Twitter every minute.

These Highlights are Self-Explanatory to the very fact that the Digital Media lays a Strong Foundation for Online Marketing.

Online Marketing – The One big Tree

Social Media

Most of us know it well, what exactly Social Media is all about…!!!

social media marketing

For thousands of us, it is a Vivid Platform offering us a Space to share an Image of ours with the World. Social Media permits to create an extension of one’s very self, thus an Absolute & Excellent way to reach the Demographics and Specific people with Specific Interests.

According to your Hobbies and habits, you can join groups, find new Friends or connect with the existing ones.

Social Networking Applications

This is a form of viral marketing that has appeared on the social networks over the last few years.

As more and more people try and customize their profiles and pages to make their sites look better and competitive, more and more of these applications have appeared on the internet.

Some of the most popular and most famous Facebook applications include the now extinct, Scrabulous. Applications like these drew in a huge user base that returned continually to the application page and are exposed to advertising or additional services.

Online Favorites and Bookmarking

These bookmarking services are just the same as the favorite’s folder in your browser. The difference to these online services is that when your computer crashes and you have to reinstall everything, you don’t lose your favorite bookmarks because they are all store online.


online bookmarking

Furthermore, these online links can be categorized and tagged making them searchable. Other users can search these tagged bookmarks. As a website owner, you could promote your sites and articles in these online bookmarking sites and allow everyone to find them via the network.




RSS Feeds stands for Real Simple Syndication is use to Push news articles and site updates out to all of the Site Subscribers.

Traditionally, the same is fulfilled by the method of notifying the users about the Site Updates via Email Marketing, sending voluminous emails thus utilizing huge Bandwidth thereby adding them to the Spam.

Example Feed: Feedburner

Content marketing is a Buzz Word. It is the Hottest Trend in the Marketing because it is the Biggest gap between what buyers want and Brands produce.

E-Mail Marketing

It is one of the traditional ways of Online Marketing. any new updates, notifications etc. will be circulated to the subscribers of the website.

e-mail marketing


Courtesy: Radiate Media


Good Marketing isn’t about Story Telling, it’s about telling a Story well

To express your thoughts, & views and to share your opinion with the world, online blogging forums offers an excellent opportunity. Content marketing/Blogging brings forth the best of the methodologies to promote your Products well and creating an awareness amongst all.

Search Engine

Search engines are a key traffic source for the majority of websites. Everyone knows Google. When you want to find things online you are often finding yourself saying, ‘just Google it’ for your answers. Now, search engine optimization will only allow search engines crawl your site better.

search engines

Good optimization will make things more accessible for the blind search engines, but how do search engines know that your site exists and how do you get ALL of those search engines to crawl your site. Well, there are several different ways to get your site into those search engines. Some of the methods of search engine optimization that will help your site get crawled quicker by search engines but why not just submit your site to the search engines and force them to crawl it.

Most of the top search engines out there will give you certain tools that you can take advantage of and get help promote your site to get it online. A simple XML sitemap is all you need to get started to submit your site online.

1. XML Sitemaps
2. Google Webmaster Tools
3. Live Search Webmaster Tools

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