Benefits of Using Salesforce Wave Analytics

Written by Hemendra Singh on March 01, 2018 | Updated on: August 13, 2019

Benefits of Using Salesforce Wave Analytics

In this cut-throat competitive world, the only way to survive is to make your customers satisfied with utmost services that can be done through excellent customer support. Satisfied clientele play vital role in the success of your Company irrespective of your industry, products, focus or services.
Salesforce helps you to cultivate the best relationship with your customers. It facilitates you to collect huge a chunk of data related to your customer. It is based on their preferences and past interactions with clients. A large number of clients mean a huge amount of data, managing which without any mistake is a big deal. Well, that’s where the Salesforce Development tool, Wave Analytics comes as the savior.

What is Salesforce Wave Analytics?

Also known as Analytics Cloud, the new platform of salesforce, Wave Analytics, is a Business Intelligence (BI) Platform. This platform is optimized for data visualization and mobile access. According to Salesforce, you can easily use Wave Analytics, even if you are naive in examining the data set and to draw any conclusion from that data.

The new analytics tools facilitate users to drill down to the key part of the data with a couple of clicks. Companies can use this system either by adding it in their Salesforce productivity kit or by using it as standalone service.
salesforce wave analytics

Qualities included in Wave Analytics:

  • The Wave Analytic tool work according to the mobile-first strategy. According to this, defined-task apps, Smartphones, and tablets are considered as the best tools to get the work done by an employer.
  • Wave Analytics with mobile-first strategy develops mobile optimize platform to ease mobile collaboration.
  • Wave Analytic tool facilitates in accessing data from all other sources in an organization like Marketing Cloud, Community Cloud and Service Cloud that are just to name a few.
  • The tool enables sales representative to make a data-driven decision by interacting with customers in an insightful manner.

Benefits of Using Salesforce Wave Analytics

A Salesforce developer plays a vital role to build a secure and strong cloud-based analytic program. One such program is Salesforce Wave Analytics.
It helps each organization (small, medium or large) to cover their needs by presenting data in extremely systematic manner. The data information shown is highly optimized for various mobile devices and acquainted with different screen sizes.

Following are more benefits of Salesforce Wave Analytics:


  • Integrations with Other apps

The Wave Analytics can easily be integrated with other apps like Salesforce Sales and Marketing apps which are just to name a few. Through this integration, customers can acquire improved reports and dashboards through visualization.

  • Complete Organized Information

The Wave Analytics tool gives you all the information about the current trends. It also gives well-managed information about the increase or decrease in productivity along with all possible reasons.

  • Easy To Process Data

As this system can easily integrate with the other Salesforce products, it can easily blend in your software infrastructure and simplify the complex data processing. Wave analytics cloud is easy to use and requires no training to process data.

  • Data Aggregation

This is one of the major benefits of using Salesforce Wave Analytics. The tool helps to collect all information from various platforms to a single place. The other platforms vary from org data to data from IoT sensors, to mobile generated data. It gives a blended view of the business.

  • High Security

Security is a foremost thing which any Company requires. As Wave Analytics is a 6th cloud-based tool offered by Salesforce, all the kinks related to data security have been ironed out. Data that enters the system is highly encrypted. It avoids all kind of intrusions and mistakes which can deploy a database.

  • Quick Data Processing

For all the large enterprises, Wave Analytics comes as a boon as it is able to process a huge volume of complex numerical data and make the work easy and simple.

  • Right Data aka Current Data

Salesforce Wave Analytics facilitate companies to find the Right Data about their customers. Right Data is also known as Current Data. Through this system, a sales representative can get information about clients like what a customer desires, what the customer is doing, what are the taste and preferences of a customer and etc.
Wave not only allows users to quickly upload the data but also facilitate them to interact and explore the uploaded data on any devices of choice. It is a time-saving process.

  • Novelty

The new feature of Wave Action facilitates users to perform numerous actions like updating accounts, provide account activity, and empower sales team and many more. It also offers best solutions to all the problems that have been prevailing in eco-system of Business Intelligence for a long time.
With the launch of Wave Action, Salesforce has reorganized its core team to help Wave Analytic Cloud. Salesforce has also recently announced numerous ISV partners. The partnership brings novelty in the eco-system of salesforce and enhances the scope for improvement in enterprise activities.

  • Mobile Optimizing

The Wave Analytics is one of the first tools which make it different from other conventional BI products. It is designed for mobiles under the mobile-first strategy. It optimizes the needs of customer support, sales, marketing and other teams. Practically Waves handle huge dataset with all ease and simplicity.


Introduced under the umbrella of Cloud-based analytic tools, The Wave Analytic is an influential tool that creates powerful reports and dashboards from the huge amount of enterprise’s data. It has also simplified the Salesforce application development process.
It helps companies to offer an innovative product to its clientele. Wave has opened the doors to make your product highly customize that fulfills the requirements of the clients. Salesforce Wave Analytics makes your work simpler though it’s numerous features. Easy to explore, cloud deployment, easy accessibility, instant data access and mobile-first are its main features that lead to numerous of benefits for all those using Wave tool.